A girl for Christmas Fort Campbell, KY || Moore Family
Close your eyes, and imagine it’s Christmas morning. Your heart is full of excitement and anticipation, you can hardly stand still. You open your eyes slowly, your breath catches and you can’t even contain your excitement as you see exactly what you wanted standing before you-a little girl! It’s a horse’s every dream. You are already planning the adventures you’ll have, the treats to come and all the secrets you’ll share together. At least…that was the idea for this sweet black background equine session!
My friend wanted some clean, detailed black background photos of her mare, Ziva, to look back on. (Which is the perfect reason to book a black background session!) And because it was right around the holidays, we took the opportunity to capture some cute holiday card images with her daughter too! I think both of them are pretty excited.
These sessions are great holiday gift options. Black background sessions are 30 minutes long and typically include 5-7 hand edited images. We did these in the barn aisle of the Fort Campbell Riding Stables. A barn aisle, indoor arena or shaded area are all that is needed for these types of equine shoots, so don’t let the fear of not having ‘good enough’ facilities stop you! I travel throughout the middle Tennessee region and am located directly in Clarksville, TN. Black background sessions are offered at a discounted rate when multiple sessions are booked, making these a great option for barn photos. Holiday photos include use of wreaths and bows.
[…] « A girl for Christmas Fort Campbell, KY || Moore Family […]
I love you and am very thankful for the wonderful photos that made the best Christmas cards. You have a talent that is unmatched.
Thank you so much!!