Mom comes homes Fort Campbell, KY || Seidell family
I served in the U.S. Army for nine years. And in those years, I photographer many homecomings for my Army unit, especially at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. The 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) is always deploying, sometimes full brigades, sometimes smaller units. And in all those homecomings, personally photographer or for the military, I always wanted to capture a mom coming home to her family. Because y’all, the ladies don’t get the credit they deserve, and neither do those kids! Which means when I had to say ‘see you soon’ to my sweet friend Kelsey, I also got to say ‘I’ve got you’ when she asked about homecoming photos. You may recognize her from a few sessions on her, so you know she has a beautiful son, Lucas, who was so excited to finally welcome Mommy home. But, before you scroll any further…you may want to grab the tissues.
The above photo is the moment Lucas truly caught sight of Kelsey, and the photo below is when all those emotions that Mommy was finally home, hit his sweet little body. Y’all, a military kid is cut from the toughest, bravest cloth there is, especially the littles. And yes, I was 100% crying at this point!!
And then I cried some more, because these two made a straight beeline for each other and there was no getting between them. There is nothing in this world stronger than the bond between a parent and their children. Toss in the hardships commonly found with the military lifestyle, and you have something so special, so unique. It was truly an honor and emotional moment, to capture Kelsey’s homecoming. Her little boy is her world, and I think anyone looking at these photos can see that. Thank you so much Kelsey for your service, for being an amazing friend and for letting me capture this moment for you! Welcome home!!