Raising young men Clarksville, TN || Roberts family
Let’s be honest for a second. Most inquiries I get come from moms who have to force, bribe or beg their spouse and kids for family photos. It’s the nature of the beast. But every so often, I get the pleasure of hanging out with a single parent and their kiddos. As a parent to a stepson, and wife to a once single dad, I’m a softy for single parents. Single parenting is one of the toughest jobs in the word, especially for our military service members.
Josh just got back from a deployment to Afghanistan (welcome home by the way!!) and my sweet friend Kelsey recommended me to him for family photos. I was all too excited to hang out with him and his three boys at Rotary Park in Clarksville, TN for an afternoon. The trick with boys and keeping photos painless, is to let them get the wiggles out before trying for a few nicer shots, so being football fans, we started out with some throws and tackles!
If you’ve never been to Rotary Park, I highly encourage you to grab the dog or the family or friends and go for an afternoon! There are so many different things to do, and it’s huge. We took advantage of the beautiful creek to skip a few rocks before the boys changed outfits and we got a few nicer shots for Dad to have. The boys braved a fallen log for me, and we threw Josh’s brothers in for a few shots. Fun fact…if you bring family or friends to hang out, we are grabbing a shot with them! Life is too short, and you never know what can happen, and speaking from experience, I will never let you miss an opportunity to have those important people in photos with you!
Thank you Josh for letting me get to know your family. You’re doing a great job with your boys and I had a blast chasing y’all around.