Welcome home Fort Campbell, KY || Zapetis Family
Military homecomings are always such a rush to photograph! Even when I was Active Duty Army. This 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) welcome home ceremony at Ft. Campbell, KY was no exception! I was contacted almost as soon as the brigade had left and booked more than 6 months in advance, which is mind blowing and humbling at the same time!
I always like to meet clients about an hour prior to the arrival time so that we have time to capture those tender waiting moments, as well as get to know each other a bit more and just breath. Alex was so excited, and so nervous about the kids reactions! Those are all totally normal feelings, but we stayed busy dancing and chasing the kids to make sure everyone stayed relaxed.
As you can see, the kids took to Dad right away! Reunions get me every time, and I’ve lost count the number of welcome home ceremonies I’ve photographed at this point. There is something so special about Fort Campbell homecomings! Welcome home Sgt. Zapetis, thank you for letting me capture such a special moment for you and your family.