Just a Girl & her Mule Clarksville, TN || J+K
I’m a fan of all horses, or equines in general, but I’m a sucker for anything with long ears. When Miss Kinzie Mae came to the Ft. Campbell riding stables, it was instant love…well on my end. For her, she was still pretty fearful of humans and wanted nothing to do with me. Thus began a secret love affair where I worked hard every day to silently win her affection with bribery and soft words. Plus, I made friends with her human which only cemented my “I’m a nice person” vibe I was throwing Kinzie’s way LOL But really, Kinzie and my sweet Thoroughbred became super close pals, and so did her owner and I. When Jaq said she wanted anniversary photos to commemorate the journey she and her sweet Mule had gone on since arriving in Clarksville, TN, I of course said yes! What a better way to celebrate than with beautiful horse and rider photos. In true Mule-fashion, we were on Kinzie’s time and she wasn’t exactly feeling photos that day. With a little patience and a lot of bribery, we got some super cute photos for Jaq to look back on and remember all the growth the two have faced together!