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Clarksville equine photographer

Clarksville equine photographer

Clarksville equine photographer

Part Two~ So if you read Part One (click here if you haven’t) you know that Alex and Ryan are some of my favorite people and I pretty much got my dream session when Alex asked me to do her engagement photos and included her horses. You should also know I totally over shot her […]

Cozy by the kitchen side engagement Erin, TN || Alex & Ryan (Part Two)

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Part One~ When I first moved my horse Wolfie to Harmony Horse Farm LLC. in Adams, TN, I knew no one, hadn’t had my horse in almost two years and was terrified of messing it all up. In walked this confident, bigger than life person who was not only super knowledgable on horses, but super […]

Horsing around engagement Erin, TN || Alex & Ryan (Part One)

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Part One~ When I first moved my horse Wolfie to Harmony Horse Farm LLC. in Adams, TN, I knew no one, hadn’t had my horse in almost two years and was terrified of messing it all up. In walked this confident, bigger than life person who was not only super knowledgable on horses, but super […]

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